Shoes That Don't Really Look Real (PHOTOS)

Hi Guys 
It's nice to see some creative things in the fashion industry and designer are doing their best and in fashion design SKY IS THE LIMITS. 
1. This are pretty nice heels with a scorl at the back.  

 2. This shoe looks like glass curved bottle used for home designs.

3. This is am African made heels and purs

Boot 1

 4. Ladies boots heels really fun and free to wear.

5. This heels is really fun and creative work, heels made with chains but "i have never seen this on any one befor"

6.  This is the collest heels i have Every seen, it looks like a puppy i know many of you will love it

7. It is simple and somehow normal but the curved sole looks like an opener.

8. Classy heels with flowers on it.

9. Funny heels, it looks like a wizard heels

 10. Everybody love this shoe is fun and simple to wear.

 11. 'lol'  no need to explain it to You "just that people are getting creative Everyday.

 12. When i saw this heels i was so shocked because it looks like she can't really walk with it.

13. This looks like a Real fish,  but it's not Great Art .

 14. Great heels, if you have a fish you love so much then go get your self one of this.
So that You can be with it.

15.  Banana heels you can give it a try LOL.

16.  simple heels i will buy it for my Lady on her birthday or val-day.

17.  Really cool.


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